Mrs Shimite Love attended Air force primary and secondary school both in Ikeja and Makurdi respectively. She obtained her BSC in Political Science from the University of Ibadan and served her NYSC immediately after. During her passing out parade in the year 2000 she was awarded a plaque of honour for her work in Charity during her once a week Corpers Day (CD), especially with reference to her activities with Modupe Cole Memorial Home for people living with Mental Disabilities.
Chief Mrs Shimite Love gathered work experience during her early years.
She has worked with Clapper Board T.V. with Lagos Weekend Television between 1992 to 1994 on a teenage programme; Teeny Boppers as a TV presenter. She also worked with Mrs Agatha Amata on the Inside- Out TV series throughout her University and NYSC years as programme Coordinator and Marketing Executive. She ran a travel Agency “Generations Travel Agency and Tours” between 2005 to 2012. Shimite was also a contributing editor for travel and tourism with Daily Trust Newspaper, Leadership Newspaper and African Travel Quarterly Magazine. She was an active member of National Tour Operators of Nigeria (NATOP), National Association of Travel Agencies (NANTA), Federation of Tourism Association of Nigeria (FTAN) and Association of Nigerian Journalists in Entertainment and Tourism (ANJET).
Shimite later veered into working with grassroots women and youths in financial literacy, gender mainstreaming, financial inclusion in the areas of Agriculture, Solid Minerals, ICT and Agency Banking. She trained with CIBN, SMEDAN and other DFID interventions in order to expand her knowledge base. She joined Women in Public Management, Business and Administration (WIMBIZ), Rural Financing of Nigeria (RUFIN), Association of Non-Bank Micro-Finance Institutions of Nigeria (ANMFIN) and Chartered institute of Commerce amongst others.
Her NGO Quintessential Business Women Association (QBWA) has a United Nations Consultative Status and works with different UN organisations. QBWA has partnered with CBN, BOI, BOA, NDDC, DFID and USAID.
Due to her diligency, Mrs Shimite Love was appointed by the Delta State Government as the Executive Secretary of Delta Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Development Agency from 2015 – 2019. And after the transition of government was appointed in 2019 as the Executive Assistant to the Governor on Export Initiatives and the Coordinator UNIDO Center.
Chief Mrs Shimite Love is appointed Special Adviser on Trade and Export from 2023 till date.
Notable amongst responsibilities the Government gave her are the Delta Food Export Initiative, Job Creation Steering Committee, Agricultural Marketing Board and Delta State Focal Person the Federal Government Intervention: National Social Safety – Net programme ( SOCIAL INVESTMENT PROGRAMME) that oversees N-Power, Home Grown School Feeding Programme, GEEP, the Social Register and Cash Transfer.
Mrs Shimite Love worked as Technical Adviser on Business Ethics and Values under the Special Adviser to President Goodluck Jonathan on Ethics and Values Dr. Mrs Sarah Jibrin. She also served on committees including Steering committee of USAID/NEXTT ( Nigerian Expanded Trade & Transport) – LAKAJI Trade Corridor and the Agric – Business Development and is an active member for policy formulation and amendment for National Assembly Business Environment Round-Table (NASSBER).
Mrs Shimite Love is also a media professional, producer and presenter of ” African Pot” and ” African Pot Extra”; a highly regarded Television documentary that promotes Traditional African Cuisine, Tourist attraction and culture as well as investment opportunities in Africa. She has produced to 2 recipes “African Pot Recipe Book ” and “100% Nigerian”. She has infused her leadership quality with a thorough understanding of the African Rural Community, Rural Financing Strategies and the African Marketplace.
Mrs Shimite Love is renowned for her intricate knowledge of Micro Finance, MSME Development, Human Capital Development, Export, Financial Literacy Traning, mentorship, Job and Wealth creation, through innovation in the Agricultural and Solid Minerals Value chain, Utilizing grassroots Women and Youth entrepreneurs as drivers of the process.
Mrs Shimite Love is a multiple Award winner in the areas of Community Development, Micro Finance, Youth and Women Development, Media and Agricultural Development.